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All About Enneagram

The path the self development starts with knowing who you are.

Ever heard of the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality test that does more than put you in boxes. This tool helps you find your core motivations and fears. When you know these things about yourself, you can start to find your joy and purpose. â€‹


Within the Enneagram there are nine types that describe patterns of how people conceptualize the world and manage their emotions. The main concept of the Enneagram is that as a person you are constantly moving around the tool, taking on characteristics of other numbers in health or stress. Obviously, our goal is to be healthy emotionally and know ourselves. Through coaching and the test we will find that! 


What The Enneagram Has Done For My Life

If you don't already know your type, please take it. You will be shocked with the accuracy. And if you're not, we will work together to find your type. 


I first heard of the Enneagram through some friends! Ya know, it's kind of a millennial thing to LOVE personality tests. While I was answering the questions I thought to myself "how does this test know my thoughts?" I was a bit creeped out before I got my results. As I was reading my type I was in shock with the accuracy. Never had I ever told anyone the way I felt deep down and this test already knew... HOW! 


I fell in love with the Enneagram because it helped explain so many of my fears, thoughts, and emotions. I have truly began to be in control of my life, cultivate deep relationships, and know who I am through the Enneagram.

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